The School of UX compared to other institutions

Choosing between UX courses at The School of UX and bootcamps at GA and others? Any education is great! It’s up to you to pick the right one for you.

We don’t promise jobs you won't get – we boost your career

We don’t believe anyone would get a job right after completing any course. Hence, we don’t give false promises. You'll need to be building up your portfolio step-by-step – and we’re here to help you with that. We'll teach you fundamentals of UX & UI design and provide invaluable career advice: how to create a portfolio, finding a job, interview tips, money topic.

You don’t have to quit your job – our courses are short

We appreciate that it’s challenging to take several weeks off work. Hence our courses are as short as just 1 day to our most comprehensive one being 5 days, from 1pm to 6pm – so you can study alongside your regular job.

You don’t have to spend £5–10K – our courses are affordable

All our courses are reasonably priced and very competitive compared to most institutions in London where you'd have to pay at least £500 per day, whereas with us you can book from just £159 per day and all 5 days for just £799.

You’re not on your own after the course – you get further support with our one-to-one mentoring

You can book for additional mentoring sessions over Skype, Zoom or in person, where we review your portfolio, give career tips, prepare you for upcoming interviews, and answer design related questions – all to help you grow.

We don’t want to be general – we focus on one thing and do it well, and that’s User Experience design

We cover an entire design process at our courses: from UX research and conversion tracking to wireframing & prototyping UI.

We don’t select who can join our classes – everyone is welcome at our courses

Our doors are open to anyone – from beginners who are completely new to design (we’ve had lawyers, artists, accountants, students, HR specialists and architects learning with us) to junior print / digital / graphic / UI / UX designers up to intermediate level.

We value your time and hard-earned income

The thing is, maybe after other institution’s “immersive courses”, which run for a dozen of weeks and costs over £10000, you may realise that UX design or UI design isn’t your thing at all – and that’s absolutely fine. On the other hand, with us you would have spent a maximum of just 5 days and £799.