UX design job boards

There are quite a few job boards online for User Experience design roles. We've listed just some of them for you, whether you're looking for a part-time gig or remote positions:

LinkedIn Jobs

LinkedIn Jobs website

LinkedIn is undoubtedly the biggest professional network. Its Jobs section has plenty of job openings for UX and UI designers: from startups and design agencies to big organisations like LEGO, Facebook and Amazon. With Premium membership you also get insights on how many applicants are there for that particular role and salary insights: linkedin.com/jobs 

Work in Startups

WorkinStartups.com website

The name speaks for itself. Some cool startups like BorrowMyDoggy (where you can borrow a furry friend for a weekend) have been looking for designers to help them build their platform on this website. Full-time, part-time, freelance and furlough opportunities from London to Edinburgh — workinstartups.com

UX Jobs Board

UX Jobs Board website

Aiming to be #1 for UX Jobs” this jobs board not only has numerous roles ranging from contract to internships, but also lists local and international design studios, recruitment agencies and various UX events — uxjobsboard.com


RemoteOK website

Fortunately, more and more companies have opened up to remote work. You could be working from home as a Senior Design Researcher for Wikimedia Foundation or as a Product Designer for Hotjar. To some it could feel like a different mindset compared to working in office; it may indeed take time to get used to, yet it could add so much flexibility to your lifestyle — remoteok.io.


UXswitch website

What this website offers additionally to others is the detailed description of the salary and benefits package (as usually this is hidden and only available after you progress with the interview). Plus, it shows what your job will actually involve it terms of activity distribution (e.g. 30% User Research / 10% UX strategy / 60% stakeholder management) in a neatly visualised chart — uxswitch.com

UX Research Jobs

UX Research Jobs website

Great initiative by Zsolt Kocsmárszky, who founded PingPong remote UX research platform, listing opportunities for UX Researchers (hey, there's never such thing as enough user research, is there?). From User Experience Researcher in TomTom in London and NHS Digital in Leeds to PayPal in San Jose in California — uxresearchjobs.com



Jooble website for UX jobs search

Jooble is a convenient search engine that helps aggregate variety of jobs from different job directories like Reed and CWJobs, with plenty of UX jobs opportunities — jooble.com

The UX industry is booming and needs more skilled designers. Interested in career in User Experience design  we run career and portfolio advice sessions as part of our monthly courses, as well as offering one-to-one mentoring to help you with career transition and preparing for your interviews.